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Good morning all you happy forum users out there.
Still under the severe weather warning though when I went out for my walk this morning...

getting a rain drop water ring right in the center of the bird bowl

Good morning all.
Just returned from my usual coffee and cake morning followed by a bit of shopping.
Had some work on the computer upda...

Replying to a post where I suddenly remembered a bit more of something I was talking about yesterday, I was just thinking about the myste...

Good morning everybody on a warm if occasionally overcast Sunday. I have just arrived back in Wollongong
I spent a pleasant morning at m...
Hottest This Week 

Standing under you will be judged how you reesponds.
Gusmans is Sociolologist, Socilogisous, sockiollogist wanna bee.

Is with a heavy heart that i must report that @DianneWoollie lost her battle with cancer, and passed away this passed weekend
I’ve lost ...

Good morning on this overcast, hot, humid day. There have been spots of rain but I literally mean spots, they don’t even join up on the c...

Replying to a post where I suddenly remembered a bit more of something I was talking about yesterday, I was just thinking about the myste...

Good morning all, this morning I am in the nation’s capital.
Easy drive down yesterday arvo, was greeted by the very excited dog but who...

Good morning to you all, another sunny warm day.
I was out early getting a few things to take in my car on my trip. Beer and milk is pac...

Good morning everybody on a warm if occasionally overcast Sunday. I have just arrived back in Wollongong
I spent a pleasant morning at m...

Good morning all.
Just returned from my usual coffee and cake morning followed by a bit of shopping.
Had some work on the computer upda...

Good morning one and all on yet another warm summer day, temperatures are supposed to get up into the high 20s. Went for my walk early to...

It is the smell of grass in distress.
When grass gets cut, it lets out all these different chemicals, trying to seal it’s wounds.
Hottest This Month 

Waiting at the bus stop into town, young woman with phone in hand came along a few moments after me. A sudden outburst made me jump, th...

Tattoos are the thing of the last twenty years. I wonder constantly, “But why?”
I remember my father’s generation coming home from WW I...

Chinese New year will be on 29th Jan. Something to look forward to or not? The year of the snake is coming!

Good morning to all you forum folks at the start of a new week. Not particularly interesting weather here, warm but a lot of clouds about...

Good morning all you early risers (and late risers too). It is warm enough (mid 20s) but keeps clouding over, there was 17mm of rain last...

Burn’s night tonight. I used to have my family for that and me on the fiddle.

As many people do.
What irks me is when people try to preach to others how to live their lives, do this, do that, don’t do this, don’t d...

Good morning to all who follow here, a twelfth of the year gone already! Doesn’t time fly when you are having fun?
Went shopping this mo...

Good morning on this rather warm Tuesday.
I took advantage of a warm day (30°) and washed my own bedding as well as my towel and yesterd...

Reminded me of the Portuguese old-school filthy rich ladies of the bullfighting community.
Whatever, she looks good, stole the show.
I ...

Good morning everybody, another typical summers day for me with temperatures in the mid to high 20s, the only bummer - it is humid again....

Good morning all on this, once again, overcast, humid Saturday though it is supposed to brighten up later.
It was very windy last night ...

Good Morning to everybody especially our American friends who get their new President today (I think)
The sun is shining brightly this m...

I have a small food scraps container, and I for some reason put it on top of the cupboard.
This morning at 4 am as I first entered the k...

Good morning to to all. an early start for me as I have to go into Wollongong to see my specialist on the first of my three monthly visit...
Hottest This Year 

Swap the letters around to solve the words.
Green…correct place
Brown…in the word
Grey…find the letters place

Post any word that contains the letters “er” (in the same order please) anywhere in the word.
Previous threads:
A-W of words containin...

Morning/Afternoon/Evening all, i’ve noticed a few of you like playing Wordle, so wondered whether you have tried Twordsy (Twordsy Daily -...

Continuing the discussion from Goodnight! (Part 1) :


I am a 56-year-old woman and I am not on speaking terms with my 55-year-old next-door female neighbor, and for good reason that I will no...



As I rouse from dreaming about intimacy, I groan as I roll onto my side and look at the unused pillow beside me.
My hormones telling me ...

this is the daily phrase quiz we can share our results
Phrazle 568: 4/6

In this game you guess a word
You are told if it comes before or after the solution.
Keep guessing until you find the solution


My memories of the 70’s are the advent of Disco Music, Hot Wheels Die Cast Cars, Platform Shoes, Body Shirts, Mini Skirts, Shag Pile Carp...

So here you are given a word and must make five new words using its letters.
Letters can only be used once unless there is more than one...


I remember one day realising that I finally knew who I was and why I was who I was.
It shocked me that I was in fact so wise and knowled...

Local radio is running a phone in this morning asking if you were king or queen for the day what one thing would you permanently ban? Th...

All 20 dingbats are sea and travel related answers how many can you solve ?

Can you guess the song form the emoji clues ?
Some give cryptic clues while others spell out the song title with in the order of the icons.

All hail the World-Wide Web, Microsoft and the cashless society, eh! One of my sons has no access to his bank account, couldn’t pay for ...
Hottest Last Three Years 

Can’t see this game here so…
Create a Four Word phrase using the last letters of the words in the previous phrase.
I’ll start you off… ...

Make a two-word phrase using one of the words from the previous poster, and replacing the other word. No compound words such as “baseball...

Please join in the fun and post your daily scores!
You’ll earn yourself a line of pretty flowers every time!

Enjoyed my day. Woke up to glorious sunshine. Went to a car boot sale and it was heaving with people and some interesting stuff. Had sand...

Continuing the discussion from Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1) - #10013 by May (When threads get 10,000 replies the system automatic...

As the heading indicates, this thread is for words in alphabetical order omitting the letter A.
B = Betterment
follow on with C.

Take the last letter of the previous song title and post a new one.
Name the artist if you can but not essential.
First song

Share your interesting news/facts here
#naval interesting fact
The passenger steamer SS Warrimoo was quietly knifing its way through th...

Does anyone else play the Connections Word Game from the New York Times online games set?
It’s a bit like a more down to earth version ...

My Dad once told me that when he was in the British Army in the mid-forties, everyone called each other, “Shag” but nobody knew why.

Huntingdon: Angry pedestrian guilty of killing cyclist - BBC News (video)
A pedestrian has been found guilty of killing a 77-year-ol...

Can be a city, state, province, country, continent etc. I’ll start.

Share a sentence/phrase/word nobody would have said in the 1970’s?
I’ll start with a few:
Google it!
Gender fluid
Text me...

This game is alphabetical….each answer starts with the same letter and we work our way through the alphabet.
So it’s Name……a persons Chr...

Anyone sitting at 31 degrees? …its 21 here with me and cloudy
Stay shady :sunglasses:
Hottest Threads Over 3 Years Old! 

Has anyone played this online game, Wordle?
(Wordle - A daily word game)

Continuing the discussion from
Previous discussions:

Hi Dorothy it was nice and sunny here today. I was up seeing Jean today in hospital, they put a trachiotimy spelling in today to get her ...

Thought I would start this “goodnight” thread as I sometimes feel rude in just logging off when there are other lovely people still aroun...

Post any word that contains the letters “er” (in the same order please) anywhere in the word.

Continuing the discussion from Ridiculous Made Up Names..A-Z (Part 3) (Part 1) - #11137 by paula.
Previous discussions:
Ridiculous Mad...

A fresh start for limericks.
Lines 1. 2. And 5. Seven to ten syllables with the same verbal rhythm.
Lines 3. And 4. Five to seven sylla...


Words that end in a vowel - A to Z
I’ll start off with A for
and the next person goes with
B (ending in a vowel)
and so on…

Post a word that ends with Y, starting with A and continuing through the alphabet to W, then start again.


Okay, get fell in for the next set of connections.
[B][SIZE=4]- - - - - -
Letters Used.
Not Used:

Please list one word which contains double letters e.g. Noodles, Tunnel etc. The double letter prompts the start letter of the next word!...

Seems a good idea to put all of the above in one place.
Spent this morning fitting High Torque servos to these wings. Because of the sur...

Let’s see how good we all are at solving Puzzles.
There’s a new one every day.
Click on the above link and change the cut to 67 Piece C...
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