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How can this be true?
Surely for such a claim to be valid, one would not be able to shower for 3 days?
I shower daily, washing underarm...

Has any other member been fitted with one of these liberating devices?
I had mine fitted in December and today I was passed as a patient...

A small piece in today’s paper states;
A 25 second voice recording could be used to help identify if someone has type 2 diabetes.
This ...

Almost 2 months ago so have not been around. Caused by high blood pressure which he has had for years.
He was very poorly indeed and ov...

Treatment would prolong your life by 2 years, but it comes with bad side effects.
I would reject treatment and only go with end of life ...
Hottest This Week 

How can this be true?
Surely for such a claim to be valid, one would not be able to shower for 3 days?
I shower daily, washing underarm...
Hottest This Month 

Almost 2 months ago so have not been around. Caused by high blood pressure which he has had for years.
He was very poorly indeed and ov...

Has any other member been fitted with one of these liberating devices?
I had mine fitted in December and today I was passed as a patient...

A small piece in today’s paper states;
A 25 second voice recording could be used to help identify if someone has type 2 diabetes.
This ...
Hottest This Year 

I developed Shingles on Thursday. On left side of tummy and left back. It is very painful and I feel very poorly. Internet advice was ...

Hospital Tomorrow. Got to have a…
Rigid cystoscopy.
Transurethral resection of bladder tumour.
Left ureteric stenting (stent from kidn...

For more details see the good morning thread.
He’s ok but he hasn’t caught any of the nurses yet.

What Are your feeling on this !!
Do you think it it should be our choice in life
We don’t get a say in being born , or dying ……!

I received an email today:
We’re inviting you to book a spring COVID-19 vaccination appointment. This is because your NHS record sugges...

I managed to avoid going to a dentist for almost thirty years until late last year when tooth pain forced me to go. Turns out nothing wr...

At 81 I have for the 1st time in my life, a build-up of wax in one ear. I have purchased Otex ear wax treatment that comes with a dropper...

Saw this vid and wondered, have you noticed how much diets have changed over the years? Can you remember what your grandparents ate? Do y...

Hello Everybody, yesterday (September 26th) my nephew had major surgery and is now recovering. Please send prayers and positive vibes; th...

I find myself now more and more putting on various ointments on my face. from Retinol, to constant vitamin oil, to oil of olay…and yet w...

Hello Everybody; Will Be Doing My 1st Blood Donation On September 21st.
I Am Feeling Proud Of Myself For Doing This

Eating healthy…was doing very well up until Sunday. Went to a lovely musical afternoon–and the woman sponsoring it, had donuts. Not ord...

What a strange thought to come into my head. Wonder if I am exuding something that keeps them away?
Blowflies still love me though

I do not know of anyone personally whom is currently
taking Ozempic. But is has sure become an ongoing
popular topic on Social Media.

Voluntary assisted dying (VAD) has been legal in Victoria since 2019, meaning people like Miki’s mum who are suffering from a degenerativ...

Hello Everybody; I have been officially diagnosed on Tuesday October 22nd, that I am in the Menopause Stage of my life.

Ashley is 77 and the doctor reckons he may have had it for a few years going on scans and other indicators.
Three to ten years is the in...

My dentist has decide I’ve ‘worn down’ my front lower-jaw teeth by over-brushing and says I need an appointment for “reline and tooth bui...

Two ways pain killers work.
Pain Killers like Ibuprofen stop the injured cells from making a certain chemical which tells the brain of t...

Hi all, I’m would like to hear your views about how you feel about getting a grab rail. I work for Invisible Creations and we’ve designed...
Hottest Last Three Years 

President Joe Biden said the country was marking “a tragic milestone” and each death was “an irreplaceable loss”.
It’s the highest offic...

The World Health Organization (WHO) says nearly 15 million people were killed either by COVID-19 or by its impact on overwhelmed health s...

Sessions will focus on the response of central government and how ministers and politicians made decisions, as well as how well Westminst...

Has anyone tried to give up foods that increase the severity of arthritis and if so did it work and what were the foods?
I don’t have di...

I need to speak with a doctor but I’m having a really hard time trying to get an appointment face to face or even phone.
I phoned at 8am...

Last Weds ( Oct 19th) I was watching TV and around 8.00pm I became aware of an ache in the region of my ribs on the left side. It went ...

I don’t know what to think .
Is this a step backwards ?
Personally I am against abortion after 12 weeks unless for exceptional circumst...

It’s the leading cause of death in men under fifty .
These are shocking statistics .

I am after some advice on having cataract surgery. I have been diagnosed with cataracts to the left eye caused by long term steroid use. ...

I didn’t know if it was just a little cold or something more. I received an email this morning telling me I was “positive” and to downloa...

I’ve been going through some mental turmoil lately & my doctor has prescribed me some antidepressants.
I undid the packet to take th...

I have never believed the connection as there was never any proof that depression was caused by a lack of serotonin .
Now it seems scie...

I am a nonagenarian and of late I have been drinking more.
I usually drink a whisky and lemonade at about 11.30 am and another in mid-af...

Would you pay for the NHS ?
I would if would help the NHS .
£8 is about the cost of a bun and a coffee .
Having said that I am ( to...

It’s a debate which sparked into life after presenter Roman Kemp posted about it earlier this year, and now a new survey of 2,200 UK adul...
Hottest Threads Over 3 Years Old! 

This format of this starter post is not intended to be a daily occurrence - simple updates, with appropriate comments, should henceforth ...

Could the virus spreading over China be assisted in spreading by
the high speed trains and air travel??
Has this factor been taken into...

Covid data for Sunday, 8 August 2021
Global Cases: 202,978,883
Increase: 575,720
Global Deaths: 4,299,649
Increase: 9,208
Australia ...

Now I await my Haemotology appointment. Very heavy rain here.

This idea was recently suggested to me , and it sounded like a great idea to go ahead with I have a lot of changes t...

We had out first vaccination this morning.
We arrived at the Medical Centre at 11.10am for our 11.30am appointment. We were told we co...

Add me to the list Omah, Mrs Fox and me have both tested positive for covid…

The Omicron variant of COVID-19 may shorten the window between infection and infectiousness compared to other strains, new analysis by Br...

Its nearly booster time, are you up for it? :biking_man:

I’m scheduled to attend the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield tomorrow at 12:00 midday for a heart procedure. It’s all been rather ...

Just a question which I am noticing more and more I am watching the news talking to someone and they say someone’s age; and I realise tha...

Tonight I went for my booster jab at 7pm, feel ok no adverse effects so far, apparently the Pfizer vaccine isn’t called that anymore can’...

The Lancet (one of the most repected medical journals) scold those who claim there is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
For those demonisi...

Boris Johnson has warned the effects of a third wave of coronavirus will “wash up on our shores” from Europe.
The PM said: "On the ...

As the FDA prepares to approve Pfizer’s new pill for treating high-risk patients infected with COVID, more information about dangerous si...
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