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Dots with commas: And the big feet…

one of the Tv adverts we did but the only one I saved

I first spotted this Rail, with another, most likely it’s partner, at least 3 months ago. As soon as I was spotted, these birds ran off i...

I love being given the opportunity to show the world the beauty of our natural environment.
Corellas are plentiful so there will always ...

Authorities say the man in his 50s was walking to his car.
A Queensland Ambulance Service spokesperson said the man suffered severe woun...
Hottest This Week 

one of the Tv adverts we did but the only one I saved

Dots with commas: And the big feet…

I first spotted this Rail, with another, most likely it’s partner, at least 3 months ago. As soon as I was spotted, these birds ran off i...
Hottest This Month 

Authorities say the man in his 50s was walking to his car.
A Queensland Ambulance Service spokesperson said the man suffered severe woun...

Australia now has copious amounts of Red Fox, Rabbits, Deer.
Other Mammals were brought here for various reasons.
The Donkey was used a...

Got a whiff of skunk outside and it got me thinking: do you have an amusing and fragrant skunk story?

Do most of them die of old age?
Do they die while flying or when asleep?
Do more birds die from predators than naturally?
Rarely, if e...

I love being given the opportunity to show the world the beauty of our natural environment.
Corellas are plentiful so there will always ...

Western Grey Kangaroos
A mother and her Joey.
Pinnaroo Memorial Park is a quite place for the Kangaroos to visit.
Although they abide ...

Driving home from work yesterday there was a flock of Little Corellas in the park near my home.
I had to stop and video them for your, a...

Given the proliferation of Mining, given the proliferation of Logging, given the proliferation of Human Breeding, where are our critters ...

Galahs show great affection to each other.
Preening their mate consolidates the bond.
When we see this action it is most often around t...

The small black and white Willie Wagtail is always moving.
It has a long-fanned tail that it swings from side to side or up and down whi...
Hottest This Year 

Bedraggled Koala.
This is the original picture of the doctored one which became the Dreaded Australian Drop Bear Pin up Poster.
The usu...

I would pick the Sloth. These creatures are so slow, or are they simply super chill? there would be about one word a minute. An hour to a...

How do slugs and snails keep warm in winter?

What are your thoughts on adoption? I have been wanting to adopt a dog from our local pound. I then started searching adoption children...

I counted at least 30 in this mob.
These three must have upset the mob and were banished from the cool shade.

In the world of seahorses it isn’t the females who get pregnant. When they mate, female seahorses deposit the eggs in the male’s pouch to...

So Teddy has had a rollercoaster ride with his health since February. I am still not sure whether he was poisoned but it seems that all ...

I have seen Possums, Wombats, Tassie Devils, Kangaroos, Koalas, Platypus, Emus, Quokkas, Thorny Devils, Scorpions, Dolphins
But the cool...

Gold Creek miniature white Galloway Stud is located outside the historic town of Braidwood in New South Wales - Australia.
When it comes...

Also called a Blue Tongued Skink.
(Taken from Back Yard Buddies)
They are the largest of all the skinks. They can grow up to 60 cm long...

My neighbour throws bread out on the lawns for the birds.
I place a large bowl of water out there for them because of the heat wave.

This cute lil Australian Marsupial, the Little Red Kaluta, lives a very short, frenetic life.
The Males copulate at 12 months of age, so...

Here I am sitting in a park having a bite to eat.
Magpies have come from all around, begging for a morsel from me.
The same Magpies tha...

Young Wallabies
Spotted Quoll
Peacock Spiderling
Pygmy Possum
Sugar Glider
Young Koala
Tree Kangaroo

My shower tray is slippery & the sides are vertical so how do woodlouse get in to it? The drain always has water in it as well, don’t...

The cassowary is usually considered to be the world’s most dangerous bird, at least where humans are concerned, although ostriches and em...
Hottest Last Three Years 

Have you noticed, some are starting to build nests?
I have started to feed the wild birds again, I also bought a window wild bird feeder...

The American Bully is responsible for 70% of the very serious dog attacks in the U.k
Why is it not banned ?
This is.a dog that can do ...

Saw one of these a while back. They’re called dormouse I think. Awfully cute!

I’m such a sucker for a cat story
The speaker has introduced his new cat to the Houses of Parliament and say what you like about Sir Li...

Why do needy animals always come to my house?
Almost 2 hours ago one of my cats was watching 2 baby squirrels (grey ones). The cats was ...

I had to say goodbye to Chloe for he last time yesterday she was almost 15.
The decision 'when ’ was taken out of my hands when Chl...

My lovely Willow had a massive stroke in the early hours this morning and died in my arms about 9:00am.

Yes, it’s true, you can now buy a huge coat for your dog that fastens with Velcro and features an attachment for your hair dryer giving y...

I finally managed to convince John that there was more exciting terrain to explore than our garden (very nice though it is, its still onl...

Do not think he is seeking damages, just wants the law clarified.
The cat looks happy enough in the photographs, good luck to him.

I know some on here are vehemently against Crufts.
I know l should be but l do like to see the dogs, especially the Agility Competition....

Simply to tell you all that finally there is a matchmaking site for lonely Cattle.
Tudder is a dating app for Cows that has a much great...

When retired navy officer Bob Williams applied to enter the race for the first time this year, there was never any question Oli would be ...

I inherited Rudi , my cat who had asthma , when my sister died in January 2014. I helped him get rid of fur balls & noticed that poll...

the cattery
the kennels
grooming room, was tatty stable floor covered with straw and brick walls
very small part of rep...
Hottest Threads Over 3 Years Old! 

I thought we ought to have a thread dedicated to our best friends, exclusively to show them off, to chat about them or to discuss their p...

Nemo - also known as Techno cat!


Here’s barley and Berry waiting for their chips.i put them in the oven but they’re not hot

Today, myself and a neighbour, were helping to fix door for the lady who owns Ozzie. Now Ozzie knows knows it is his turf. He barks at th...

I only recently heard of these cats. There seems to be a bit of a craze going around where people who live in small flats are buying them...

Hi all
As you all know we lost our Kodi only recently and we were devastated.
My house was dead and very quiet, deafeningly so after Ko...

I like to watch Charlie on YouTube because I love goldies

I have been experimenting with different feeders, this one I made with a hanging basket chain and a plastic bowl. Had not had it up an ho...

Posting it here in case some of you miss it in the Pets section, and for those interested/concerned about her diarrhoea. Mods may move i...

Caesar Milan - hes the man .
He trains the owners not the dogs .

I am going to tell you something, then run away quick before I get shouted at.
After taking Megan back last week, the house quickly resu...

Pregnant Woman Killed By Dogs!
Same old stuff and same old excuses.
I don’t purpos...
Yes this is the ‘real Mups’ :-), my oldest one who is coming up ...

The beast is learning.
I had some mail to post. The box is where the Roman road intersects with a main road. I could have put him on the...
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